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Rib Eye Steak

Rib Eye Steak
We can thank the cowboys of the Wild West for their “invention” of the dish known as Rib Eye Steak – they were the first to realize that the best tasting cuts were located around ribs, especially when it comes to grilling. Ribeye can be compared to tenderloin in flavor and tenderness only after its been aged, a process which makes the cut juicer, softer and tastier. The dry ageing process, which is executed in special climate-controlled coolers or within a moisture-permeable drybag, gives the meat an elevated quality, finer texture and incredible taste. This is a very expensive procedure that may sound complicated, however you can replicate a similar effect at home with the help of the Zepter VacSy system. Alternatively, you can also purchase aged steaks at upscale butcher shops.

For our recipe, we have the VacSy system taking over the role of meat aging container and our Quadra pan assuming the role of barbeque, making it easy to prepare the perfect grilled rib eye steak in your home kitchen! Additionally, Zepter Masterpiece Cookware’s use of superior 316 L metal, advanced technology and innovative design enables cooking without water and fats. Food is healthier yet tastier, retains its natural aromas, flavors, nutritive and biological values and produces no dangerous substances.
Note: Even though red meat is a good source of protein, healthy fats and iron, it is not recommended for daily consumption if you wish to maintain a healthy diet.
Ingredients (per person)
  • 250 g aged rib eye steak
  • 20 g zucchini
  • 20 g tomato
  • 20 g pepper
  • 20 g carrot
  • 10 g eggplant
  • 5 g onion
  • 0.1 dcl olive oil
  • 5 g sprouts
  • 1 g black pepper
  • Our QUADRA pan Z-Q1918-SC will serve as a BBQ griller – place it on the induction cooker, cover and let it heat up at a high temperature of 240°C for 2 minutes.
  • Place the steak in the pan without any oil, fat, salt or other seasonings, cover and reduce the temperature to 90°C. The bottom of the pan will already be hot enough to create a grill effect.
  • After 2 minutes, turn over the steak, cover again and grill the other side for an additional 2 minutes at 90°C.
  • Turn off heat source and leave pan covered for 2 more minutes.
  • After you’ve removed the steak from the pan, add the diced vegetables to the pan with the meat juices. (zucchini, tomato, pepper, carrot, eggplant, onion)
  • Place the pan on the induction plate at a low heat of 90°C and simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Leave covered for 2 more minutes and drizzle with olive oil, pepper and chili before serving.
  • Cut and serve the steak tagliata.
  • Serving: Place the vegetable ratatouille on the plate first, followed by the tagliata steak.
  • Drizzle with olive oil and season with black paper.

Chef's Tip: The steaks should be 1.5 - 2 cm thick. Do not tenderize, cut or poke the meat with a fork before cooking. Serve homemade dips to compliment the steak: chimichurri, guacamole, chili salsa or Dijon mustard.
Just one look at this tender juicy Rib Eye Steak makes our mouths water!     



Chef Petra Gerić

Posted: 9/29/2020 12:42:41 PM by Zepter International | with 0 comment(s)
Zepter Kitchen
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