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How to Turn your Beauty Care Routine into Luxuries Self-indulging Rituals

How to Turn your Beauty Care Routine into Luxuries Self-indulging Rituals
So, you go to work, you take care of your family, you keep your household and you even have a social life! Sounds like a typical day in a modern woman’s life! You should also take care of your health and looks! Not easy, but we know, that you are a multitasking-wonder-women and you are perfect at joggling carrier, family and friends. So, the much needed rest and time to be with yourself have become a luxury. Alone-time, you even forgot what that means, right? And then, you do take care of yourself and you are fit and you use the right skin care products. But applying too many different products, day and night, can also be a boring, time consuming routine.

We have a tip for you, a suggestion how you can “steal” a few moments during the day for yourself and do your daily beauty routine in a different way. Turn the ever-repeating-beauty-care-routine into your own relaxing beauty “retreat”. Take 10-15 minutes in the morning and evening when you allow yourself to be alone and relax. Instead of just applying whatever product you are using, do it consciously and slowly, enjoying every touch and layer of the cream that you gently massage into your skin. You can find some quiet room, a bathroom, add some relaxing music if you want, and just be with yourself for few minutes.
And we can help you with your skin care, with the right combination of La Danza cleansing products and products that are targeting your specific needs. Cause we do want you to keep that youthful skin that matches your spirit! We are also giving you the tips for proper use and product combination. It is up to you to make your daily skin care the real pleasure:
LA DANZA VITAMIN-RICH CLEANSER PNK-701+ Rich Fruit Refresher PNK-702 + Essential anti-ageing complex PNK-708 + Absolute tensor PNK-721
This is a step forward in your beauty routine and you will take more time for the treatment, but you will feel happy and rejuvenated. In the evening, after thoroughly skin cleansing with La Danza Vitamin Cleanser and Fruit Refresher, apply a thin layer of essential anti-aging complex on your face and neckline (as a night cream). We recommend using this product combined with Absolute tensor and switch from one to another every two weeks. Let this beauty ritual be your meditation before your bedtime.
So you are taking care about your skin, but at the same time you are enjoying every minute of it. It is all up to your perspective: boring daily routine or sensual massage and alone-time for the peace of your mind!

Posted: 9/29/2020 12:37:46 PM by Zepter International | with 0 comment(s)
Zepter Cosmetics
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